Your Name

    Address (street)

    Preferred Phone Contact Number

    Please Indicate

    Home PhoneCell PhoneWork Phone

    E-mail Address

    Please fill in the information below. If you have more than three children who may be applying for Saint Catherine Laboure School, we will add the information when we speak with you.

    Please check all areas of interest.

    Pre-K 3 or 4 year oldKindergartenGrades 1-8

    First Child's Name

    Birth date

    First Child's Grade beginning August 2019-2020

    Second Child's Name

    Second Child's Birth date

    Second Child's Grade beginning August 2019-20

    Third Child's Name

    Third Child's Birth date

    Third Child's Grade beginning August 2019-20

    Previous School (please give name of school, city and state

    Saint Catherine Laboure School does not discriminate on the basis of Race, Ethnicity or Religious background. The following questions are for informational purposes only and will not have any bearing on our admittance policies.

    Language spoken at home

    Religious affiliation

    Roman CatholicProtestantOther

    Is there anything you would like us to know before we contact you?

    Why are you considering Saint Catherine Laboure School for your child's education?

    How did you hear about us?

    Family or FriendOnline searchFacebookRadioCommunity EventOther