In order to successfully compete in a global society and live as a responsible citizen and member of the Catholic Church, a graduate of Saint Catherine Labouré School will model:
- Faithfulness to Mass, prayer and the sacraments
- A continued response to the Baptismal call of discipleship
- A willingness and generosity to discern their future vocations
- A well-formed conscience so they may live their faith and have the courage to make good moral choices
- An unconditional respect for life beginning with self and extending to life at all stages from conception to natural death
- A solid foundation of basic skills
- Consistent and strong efforts to reach their God-given potential
- An active, ongoing engagement in the problem solving process
- A commitment to life-long learning
- The grace of Baptism by making a conscious effort to practice virtues of humility, empathy, sensitivity and compassion
- A healthy, balanced sense of self-esteem
- The ability to adapt to life’s challenges with resilience and flexibility
- Respect for the dignity of the human person by advocating tolerance and acceptance
- An enthusiastic participation in extracurricular activities
- Aid in the development of community through service and outreach