Parish Pastoral Councils are an essential element of parish life and an invaluable resource to pastors in providing good pastoral leadership for the overall life of the parish.

Reverend James E. Lease, Pastor
Reverend Drew Tanguay, Parochial Vicar

Parish Pastoral Council – FY 2024-2025

Council Member (Term Expiration Year)RoleMinistry
Stephen Swarney (2026)ChairpersonEducation
Michael Flannery (2026)Vice-ChairpersonLiturgy
John Andreasen (2026)MemberEvangelization
Sid Dipama (2027)MemberEvangelization
Judy Dooley (2027)MemberPastoral Ministry
Theresa Johnson (2027)MemberLiturgy
Ryan Miller (2027)MemberPastoral Ministry
Ben Nebroski (2027)MemberEcumenism & Interfaith
Joanna Reynolds (2027)MemberSocial Concerns & Outreach
Bethany Sidella (2027)MemberEducation
Frances Wessel (2026)MemberEcumenism & Interfaith
Frank Wurst (2026)MemberSocial Concerns & Outreach

Ex-Officio Member (Staff Support)

Father James LeasePastorEcumenism & Interfaith
Sister Cass Glackin, IHMPastoral AssociateSocial Concerns & Outreach
Jodi ReaganSchool PrincipalEducation
Kathy PanzaDirector of StewardshipPastoral Ministry
Conrad SmithDirector of Music & LiturgyLiturgy
Jessica BassiliCoordinator, Religious Education & Youth MinistryEducation
Alycia LauretiAdult Faith FormationEvangelization