12th Annual Mini Thon Thank you!

Thank you St. Catherine’s community for your support and help, both seen and unseen, with our 12th Annual MiniTHON. We once again broke our school record by raising $26,535,76 this year. What a beautiful tradition here at St. Catherine Labouré!

Check out more about this awesome event in The Catholic Witness: https://www.catholicwitness.org/st-catherine-laboure-students-raise-26535-in-minithon/

Or on ABC27 TV at https://www.abc27.com/local-news/local-students-participate-in-mini-thon-fundraiser/

2024 Hersheypark Discount Tickets

Cash, check (made payable to Saint Catherine Labouré) or credit card (minimal processing fee).  Deadline for orders is Tuesday, April 26.

Download form below and submit to parish office with payment.

Fish Fry Dinners


Get your subs and pizzas for the big game. 

The Knights are once again selling Marianna’s 14 inch Famous Hoagies in Italian and Turkey as well as a limited quantity of Marianna’s 12 inch pizzas. 

Sales will be after 4:30 p.m. Mass on February 10 and all the morning Masses on February 11.  Subs and pizzas are $10.00 each.

Proceeds will be used to financially support a seminarian.

Encounter Youth Ministry

2024 Events

Youth Ministry “Kick Off”

Open House

Friday, January 5

6:00—8:00 pm ▪ Room 109

Meet other parish youth, eat pizza, play games & learn more about Youth Ministry

Oreos & Our Father

Saturday, January 13

6:00—8:00 pm ▪ Room 109

Learn about the Our Father while  enjoying some sweets. 

Bring a church bulletin & be entered to win a prize

Bible Study Night

Wednesday, February 7, 2024 

5:00 —7:00 pm ▪ Leo Hall

We’ll be studying the Bible & enjoying Bible themed foods & games

St. Patrick’s Day Pot Luck

Saturday, March 16 ▪ 5:30—8:00 pm (after 4:30 p.m. Mass) Leo Hall

 Enjoy fellowship, food and fun while we learn abut St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland and migrants

Encounter Youth Ministry Sign Up Form

Sign up form for Encounter Youth Ministry events

Student's Name
Parent's Name
On behalf of my child, I would like to:

Disciple Maker Index

Make your voice heard!

Survey is live!

“The parish is not an outdated institution; precisely because it possesses great flexibility…depending on the openness and missionary creativity of the pastor and the community.”



NOVEMBER 29-DECEMBER 20 • 6:30 P.M.-8:00 P.M

Find Peace this Advent—Join us for a Women’s Advent Discussion Group.  Come learn to experience greater joy and peace throughout the Advent season and beyond.  This year’s special focus is on finding silence and peace in a noisy world and in our noisy hearts. The Rejoice! Journal will help you rediscover that childlike joy and arrive at Christmas with a deeper peace and anticipation, eagerly awaiting the birth of Christ.  The journal includes a word, a meditation, and a prayer prompt for each day, as well as beautiful artwork.  We will gather on Wednesday evenings, November 29-December 20, from 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. in Room 103.  To register, please contact Alycia at 717.564.1321 x 132 or alaureti@sclhbg.org

Respect Life Rosary Calendar


Please consider joining our parish Respect Life Rosary project, in which parishioners and friends are assigned a monthly date to pray the rosary on their own for the intention of a greater respect for all human life.  Our goal has been to keep a continual vigil of prayer for this vital issue.  Please call Laura at 717.350.4295 if you would like to be included in the upcoming calendar (January thru April 2024).

It’s National Vocation Awareness Week!

November 5 marks the start of National Vocation Awareness Week!

Watch this video to learn more about some of the ways God calls us to lives of self-giving love…and pray about how we can encourage openness to vocations in our St. Catherine’s community!

Bishop Senior celebrates All Souls Day Mass

Bishop Senior will celebrate Mass for All Souls Day on Thursday, November 2 at 8 a.m. at Saint Catherine Labouré Church, Harrisburg. Following the Mass, the Bishop will visit the graves of several former Bishops of Harrisburg, which are laid to rest in Holy Cross Cemetery, Harrisburg. All are invited to join Bishop Senior for Mass as we pray for the souls of the faithful departed.