Dear Parishioners,
Bishop Ronald W. Gainer, out of great concern for the health of the faithful
and in union with the Bishops of Pennsylvania, has temporarily suspended all daily and weekend Masses in the Diocese of Harrisburg until further notice. Additionally, Bishop Gainer has suspended all public liturgies and devotions, and has asked that all churches and chapels be closed, including all perpetual adoration chapels. Further information for this time can be found at
As Pastor, I invite you to use this time of “social distancing” to go the desert with Jesus and pray. Below are a number of links for Mass, the Divine Office, and other spiritual resources. This is a great opportunity to explore liturgies, devotions, and teachings for which you might not otherwise have time. I encourage you to take advantage of this period of reduced schedules and cancelled activities by using these resources to grow spiritually as individuals and as a family.
In order to make an offering for the Sunday collection, you may mail a check (with your regular envelopes) to St. Catherine Labouré Parish, 4000 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111. Checks should be made payable to “St. Catherine Labouré”. To give electronically go to or text “givescl” to 555888.
Fr. Josh, Fr. Jordan, and I will offer Mass daily for the intentions listed in the bulletin and for all of you. Please keep us in your prayers as well. I look forward to the day when we will be together at Mass in person.
Yours in Christ,
-Fr. Lease
Sunday Prayer at Home and Spiritual Communion (provided by the Diocese of Harrisburg)
Mass in English (from EWTN). A listing of local live-streamed Masses can be found at the Harrisburg Diocese website.
Mass in French/le messe en français (from Paris, France)
Mass in Spanish/la Misa en español: (from the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico City, Mexico). Scroll down to bottom of page; in the recording, Mass begins about 30 min after Lauds / el video está en el fondo de la página; la Misa empieza más o menos 30 minutos después de las Laudes.
Mass in Italian (la Messa in Italiano)
Mass in Latin (extraordinary form)
Divine Office Podcast
Divine Office Texts (also available in Latin – scroll to bottom of page)
St. Catherine Labouré Parish Novena
Vatican Website
Formed (St. Catherine Labouré has a subscription; go to “Sign Up”; when you create your account, please select our parish from the list which will appear)
Breadbox Media
Catechism of the Catholic Church
US Conference of Catholic Bishops (links to the Bible, the daily readings for Mass, and all sorts of informative materials)
On Keeping the Lord’s Day Holy: Dies Domini of Pope John Paul II
Handy apps to download:
- MyParish
- Click to Pray
- Laudate (Rosary, readings, and reflections)
- Magnificat (free during this time)