This weekend begins our annual Thanksgiving Dinner Food Drive to provide
Thanksgiving Day dinner to those within our parish family and surrounding community. Once again, our goal is to distribute bags for 80 families.
Please review the list below, purchase the items you choose and return to the racks in the narthex the weekends of November 14/15 or November 21/22, or to the parish office during normal business hours.
Instant Potatoes
Boxed Stuffing
Canned Vegetables
Cranberry Sauce
Canned Fruit
Giant Gift Cards**
*We have freezer storage this year, therefore we are accepting frozen turkeys throughout the food drive. Items (including frozen turkeys) may be delivered to the parish office during our normal business hours of Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
**Gift cards to Giant Food are always appreciated. We purchase pumpkin pies and rolls to round out the Thanksgiving meal. If you wish to donate a gift card it may be placed in an envelope marked Thanksgiving, and place in the collection basket or drop it off at the parish office during normal business hours.
Once again, your generosity is gratefully appreciated.
Blessings in abundance on you and your family.