Stewardship may be defined in many ways.  At Saint Catherine Labouré Parish, we define stewardship in three areas:  Time, Talent and Treasure.

time-tracking-softwareBy giving of our TIME, we offer one of our most precious gifts.  Any time spent in the service of God is not wasted.  Whether your time is spent volunteering or praying, your offering will come back to you in the form of eternity in the kingdom of God.  Here are ways you can spend time in service to God. 

Like a snowflake, TALENTS are unique to each person and are gifts from God.   Do you love to sing?  Are you a master at organization?  Do you have a natural gift of gab?  Explore our many ministries or organizations to find one that fits your special talent.  Not sure?  Contact us!  Someone will gladly contact you to discuss your interests and suggest ways for you to share your talent.

Stewardship of our TREASURE is an integral part of Christian discipleship. The Bible speaks in many places of the right use of money; Jesus himself spoke various times about generosity in giving. The Biblical practice is to offer 10% of one’s income for the Church’s outreach and ministries. Interested in online giving?  Click here to learn how.