Announcing a new & vibrant Youth Ministry at St. Catherine’s!
All youth in grades 6 – 12 are invited to “Come & See” or Encounter God.
The goal of this ministry is to be a fun & faith-filled environment to help youth encounter God.
Encounter Youth Ministry Sign Up Form
Sign up form for Encounter Youth Ministry events
Athletic Association
The Saint Catherine Labouré Athletic Association establishes and maintains the athletic programs for the youth of Saint Catherine Labouré Parish. It governs boys’ and girls’ Basketball, Track and Field, Soccer and Cheerleading following Diocesan Guidelines.
Scouting Program
The goals of the Scouting Program at Saint Catherine’s are the development of character and spiritual growth; development of good habits and attitudes; improved family relationships; an improved sense of self-esteem and personal achievement; and to provide fun and adventure for young boys and girls. In the programs, scouts are also prepared for obtaining special scouting and religious awards, as well as the many skills and attributes that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Active troops include Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Brownies and Daisies.