6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Leo Hall

Click here to register for OCIA

Would you like to become a Catholic Christian, or at least learn more about being one? The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the Church’s process of welcoming both 1) those unbaptized persons who having heard the Gospel have decided to seek the living God and follow Christ as well as 2) those baptized Christians of another communion who wish to be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church.

The OCIA process involves not just the newcomer or “inquirer” but all the members of the community who by prayer and personal example help the inquirer find his or her place in the Church.

The OCIA meetings is open to all adults, even those who are already Catholic that may be seeking a refresher about their faith or just want to learn more as they continue their journey of faith.

OCIA is for those persons who have never been baptized and seek to join the community of believers. These men and women are called “Catechumens.”

OCIA is for those who have been baptized in another Christian faith, but are seeking full communion with the Catholic Church. These men and women are called “Candidates for full communion.”

OCIA is for those who have been baptized in the Catholic faith but who have never been fully initiated, through the Sacraments of Eucharist/Confirmation. These are also called “Candidates for full initiation.”

Others who participate in OCIA are: Catholic adults who serve as sponsors for the catechumens and candidates. These people have a very important role in helping to nurture and introduce the catechumens and candidates to the Church community by providing support, example and prayer.

Adults will participate in the Order of Christian Initiation, with the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist) celebrated at the Easter Vigil. This faith-building experience is open to adults interested in the Catholic faith as well as those baptized and unbaptized persons wishing to come into full communion with the Catholic Church. The process involves study of the Bible, the history, teaching, and tradition of the Catholic Church, and is set in a context of community and discussion with liturgical rites to strengthen those on the journey and to mark their progress. We seek to help participants gain knowledge of the Catholic faith and develop a personal relationship with Jesus in the context of community.  Please contact the parish office at 717-564-1321 or for more information.

Click here to register for OCIA

After submitting this form, a member of the parish clergy or staff will contact you to schedule a friendly meeting and discern how best to proceed.