The goal of Religious Education, as presented in the National Catechetical Directory (#32), is “to develop a living, conscious, active faith life within the Christian community”.  Saint Catherine Parish School of Religion fulfills this goal through the dedication of our volunteer catechists and aides, as well as the materials and prayer experiences used to share faith with our parish youth.

 OBJECTIVES for Parish Catechetical Program

   To present a comprehensive and systematic formation in the faith, that integrates knowledge of the faith with living the faith.

   To center on initiation into the life of the Triune God.

   To be appropriate to the age level, maturity, circumstances,  language and ethnic background of each participant.

   To involve all members of the parish community, particularly the parents.

   To focus on the symbols, rituals and prayers of the Church.

   To enable the believers to live out their faith in their everyday life.

National Directory for Catechesis (NDC,2005)