In Pew Collections Resume…in a new way!

Beginning the weekend of July 17/18, the use of baskets to pass from one person o another was instituted in order to allow everyone the opportunity to make a contribution.

At the end of the Universal Prayer, our collection volunteers:

  • retrieve the collection baskets from the back of the church
  • proceed to the front of the church on either side of the pews in each section
  • start at the first and second rows, hand the basket to the worshipper seated on the end, to be passed to the opposite end of the pew
  • upon completion, combine collected monies into the stationary baskets located at the back of church

    Two collection volunteers will take the collection baskets to the Sacristy and deposit bag with funds in safe.

    We can always use more volunteers! Click here to become part of our Hospitality Ministry!