Summertime is here…the weather is hot, and we’re all looking forward to spending time outside.
It is important to recognize when hot weather is making you sick and when to get help. Here is a list of health problems caused by too much heat:
- Dehydration: A loss of water in your body. It can make you feel weak, headache, muscle cramps, dizzy, or even pass out.
- Heat Stroke: A very dangerous rise in your body temperature. A body temperature of 103 degree F or higher. You may feel hot, dry, red skin, a fast pulse, headache, dizzy, nausea or vomitting, confusion, passing out.
- Heat Exhaustion: A serious health problem caused by too much heat and dehydration. If not treated, it may lead to a heat stroke (see above). You may feel heavy sweating or no sweating, muscle cramps, tired, weak, pale, cold or clammy skin, dizzy, headache, nausea or vomiting, fast or weak pulse.
- Heat Syncope: Fainting caused by high temperatures. You may feel dizzy or faint.
To prevent the effects of the sun, it’s important to drink plenty of water or if indicated, sports drinks.
If you feel any of these symptoms:
- Immediately move to a cool, shady place.
- Take off any heavy clothes.
- If possible, wet your skin with cool water on your wrists, ankles, armpits and neck.
- Drink some water.
- If you are caring for someone else, only give them a drink if they are awake and can swallow.
- Lie down and put your feet up.
- If you don’t feel better after following these steps, Call 911, especially if you have high blood pressure or heart problems.
Source: Health in Aging Foundation, 2015 & National Safety Council, 2016