November 23 through December 17, 2023
On Thanksgiving Day, our tree will be on display in the narthex, decorated with gift tags for seven different organizations. You may select a tag from the tree, purchase that item and return your gift (wrapped or unwrapped) to the parish office or the narthex.
Or you may choose a tag from our virtual Christmas Giving Tree 2023 Virtual Giving Tree at 2023 Giving Tree. GIFTS ARE DUE ON DECEMBER 17 AT 1:00 PM.
Select a virtual tag, purchase your gift, and return directly to parish office or in the narthex. When the gift arrives, the tag will be matched to the gift.
You will notice many organizations are asking for gift cards. Many are distributed to clients early, so they can shop for their families which provides a sense of ownership and pride. Remember to shop early so our elves can deliver throughout December. And as always, your generosity is very much appreciated.