Ascension Thursday May 26


This Thursday, May 26 is the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 25 (Live-streamed) and on Thursday, May 26 at 6:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Join Mary’s Army – The Legion of Mary

Do you want to learn more about the Catholic faith?
Do you want to enrich your prayer life?
Do you want to develop close Catholic friendships?

Men and women of the parish are invited to join the Legion of Mary as Active or Auxiliary members. 

  • Active members of the Legion attend a weekly meeting and perform a spiritual work assignment during the week.  Members participate in the life of the parish through works such as visitation of the sick or aged, Pilgrim Virgin Statue visits, religious education, and evangelization tables at conferences and events.
  • Auxiliary members associate themselves with the Legion by undertaking a service of daily prayer in its name.

Those interested in active membership are invited to attend a Legion of Mary meeting.  There’s no obligation!  We meet Monday evenings at 5:30 p.m. in Room 109 of Saint Catherine Laboure Church.  Enter through the Narthex doors and it is the first room on the left in the Narthex Hallway.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What is the Legion of Mary?  The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolic association of Catholics who have totally consecrated themselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The main purpose of the Legion of Mary is to give glory to God through the sanctification of its members. Influenced by the Holy Spirit, the members serve the Church and their neighbors with the aim of bringing all people to Jesus.

What does the Legion do?  Members become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and service. Members participate in the life of the parish through works such as visitation of the sick or aged, Pilgrim Virgin Statue visits, religious education, and evangelization tables at conferences and events.

How does it work?  Members meet once a week for prayer, planning, and discussion. In addition, members complete two hours of definite work each week in pairs and under the guidance of their spiritual director.

Learn more about the Pilgrim Virgin Statue Home Visitation Program.  

Please fill out the form below if you are interested in joining as an Active or Auxiliary member or would like more information.

I am interested in Legion Membership:

Connect with the Respect Life Committee

The St. Catherine Laboure Parish Respect Life Committee actively promotes a renewed respect for human life, which is the responsibility of every Catholic.   We assist parishioners in understanding the issues and supporting the needs of the most vulnerable—mothers and their unborn children, those who are seriously ill or disabled, and their families.   

Our committee activities include:

  • Mother’s Day Carnation Sale – May 7/8, 2022
  • Morning Star Walk/Run for Life – September 17, 2022
  • Pennsylvania March for Life – September 19, 2022
  • Respect Life Rosary– ongoing
  • National March for Life – January 20, 2023
  • Baby Bottle Project – January 2023

Click for more details.  

Fill out the form below to keep informed throughout the year of parish and community pro-life activities, upcoming legislative, and other issues.
Connect with us today!
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Period Poverty Week Supply Drive

Please join us in the supply drive for this important but unknown issue. Period Poverty is the struggle to afford period products and the subsequent negative impact it has on the daily lives of those who menstruate.  

We are collecting items May 14- May 29 in the Narthex or Parish Office.

What we need:

  • Pads of all sizes
  • Packs of underwear
  • Financial Donations (drop in collection or parish office)

In partnership with Catholic Charities Empowering Women for Success, Saint Catherine Labouré through our Catherine’s Cupboard collections is proud to be a site for their annual supply drive, bringing awareness about this very important, and unknown issue.

Period Poverty is the struggle to afford period products and the subsequent negative impact it has on the daily lives of those who menstruate. No student should have to miss school. No adult should have to miss work. No person should have to miss out on daily life because they are unable to afford the basic necessities they require to thrive.

Catholic Charities Empowering Women for Success is a program dedicated to supporting immigrant and refugee women, easing their transition to new lives. Join us in supporting their mission to provide supplies which address the immediate needs of their clients, creating space in their lives for learning and personal growth.

Financial contributions will also be accepted. Checks may be made to Catholic Charities. We thank you in advance for helping advance this important conversation.

Spring Cleaning Community Yard Sale

May 14 ,2022    8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Murray Hall & Parking Lots

Cleaning out during Lent?  Save those items to sell at our parish’s Spring Cleaning Community Yard Sale.  Tables available for rent for both inside and outside.  Cost is $15.00 for one table and $25.00 for two tables.  Set up begins at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Register online to save your spot!

Download the Flyer

Vendors and organizations are welcome!


Will you Serve? Parish Pastoral Council Nominations


We are seeking members of the Parish who wish to serve on the Parish Pastoral Council. The term would be for three (3) years. The Council acts as an Advisory Council to the Pastor.

The council meets approximately five  times a year. To be considered, a candidate must be a practicing Catholic, at least 18 years old and a member in good standing with the Parish.

If you know someone who would make a good candidate or if you wish to serve, please email

Click here to learn more about the responsibilities of Parish Pastoral Council. 




Hersheypark Tickets

Discount tickets to Hersheypark® are available to friends and families of the parish for significant savings!

Deadline to order is Wednesday, April 27. 

Two ways to order:

Order  and Pay Online!  (processing fee applied.)

Click here to download 2022 Hersheypark Order Form  and return to the parish office along with your payment.  Please make your check payable to: Saint Catherine Labouré.

Discounted Admission Price is $39.95 (ALL ages 3+).

Meal Tickets for $13.99 

Snack Vouchers for $4.50

Prepaid Parking Passes for $20.00

Tickets valid for any single day of operation throughout the 2022 calendar year.


Divine Mercy Sunday Devotions

APRIL 24, 2022 
2:00 P.M.

Please join us in the Shrine Church on Sunday, April 24 at 2:00 p.m. The afternoon will include: Exposition & Adoration, recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Confession, Vespers and Benediction. Our speaker for the afternoon will be Father Ken Roth.


2:15 pm  Exposition & Adoration
2:25 pm  Father Kenneth Roth, Parochial Vicar, Saint Joseph Parish, Mechanicsburg
3:00 pm  Divine Mercy Chaplet
3:30 pm  Adoration
4:00 pm  Vespers & Benediction

Confessions are available from 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm

The afternoon will be livestreamed on the website and Facebook.


Parish Office Hours for Easter

To prepare for the Easter Triduum, the parish office will close on Holy Thursday, April 14 at noon. The office will be closed on Good Friday, April 15 and Easter Monday, April 18. The office will reopen on Tuesday, April 19.

Parish Synodal Consultation on Wednesday April 6

On Wednesday, April 6, we will have our Parish Synodal Consultation presented by Father Lease as our Lenten Evening of Reflection. The key question is “What is the Holy Spirit saying to the Church today?” Click to view the Synod Questions.

Please join us in Leo Hall (soup supper is at 5:30 PM) and the program begins at 6:00 p.m.

You can also fill out the on-line survey at

You can check out the International Theological Commission’s document, Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church; you can find the Vademecum at

All are welcome.