Garden Shed Renovation Project

Please consider making a financial contribution to Leo Nebroski’s Eagle Scout Project, which will be the renovation of the storage shed for Saint Catherine Labouré Parish’s Garden Club. 

Your donation will directly help restore the shed, creating a safer and more functional environment for the volunteers.

Over the coming year, Leo plans to put new roofing, siding, and doors on the shed, along with other minor  improvements.  The project is estimated to cost roughly $9,000, so every donation helps. Thank you in advance for your consideration. 

To donate, visit

Knights Super Sub Sale

Celebrate The Big Game with a selection of  Marianna’s 14” Famous Hoagies!

Proceeds benefit our charitable work including our annual financial support for Morningstar Pregnancy Center.

Cost for all items is $10 – In person and pre-order sales available!

All varieties of subs and pizzas available for pre-order.

Contact Terry Bollinger at to for more information.

Pre-orders due by Thursday January 30.

In person sales Italian and Turkey subs only will be on sale in the Narthex after 4:30 pm Mass on Saturday, February 7 & after all morning Masses on Sunday, February 9.

Holy Eucharist Ornament

A limited number of the Garden Club’s second ornament in the series of seven ornaments are still available for pre-order today. 

This year’s ornament highlights the Holy Eucharist window.  Cost is $20.00 with proceeds supporting  the Garden Club’s efforts. 

Advent Retreat

Community Aid Partnership with Garden Club

Substitutes Needed for PREP

Those in need of hearing the Gospel are abundant!  We are in need of dedicated and caring Catholics who are willing to be a laborer in God’s vineyard as substitute Catechists for our PREP classes; for “The Harvest is abundant; the Laborer’s are few”. (Mt. 9:37-38).  Those interested must be practicing Catholics, over the age of 18 and either have Diocesan Clearances or be willing to obtain them.  Contact Ms. Bassili for more information or call 717.564.1321 x 110.


Join us for Coffee & Conversation on October 27

Solemn Vespers for the Dead