GRADES K-6 students use a catechetical program in which the basics of the Catholic faith are presented at every grade level in an age-appropriate manner. Each lesson is designed to help young people experience their Catholic identity, integrate their Catholic values, and express their Catholic beliefs. Grades K – 6 study Christ Our Life Parish Edition textbooks published by Loyola Press, a Jesuit Ministry,   (  Christ Our Life offers parents and families materials specifically designed for use at home whether catechesis takes place in the parish, school, or home.  From at-home, family friendly lesson plans, to interactive study guides, to the exciting online game Stump the Shepherd, the activities will refresh your own faith while helping you become an active partner in your child’s faith formation.  

GRADES 7-8 use the Confirmation curriculum materials in the “Decision Point” series to help them prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Their formation also includes service and retreat experiences. Decision Point is published by the Dynamic Catholic Institute (

SPECIAL EDUCATION Sessions are held for students when requested. Parents meet with the DRE and special education catechist to discuss how to adapt the curriculum to the needs of their child. While every consideration will be given to the special needs of the child, we cannot fully implement IEP requirements.